Professor Minoo Rajaei, Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist, fellowship of Perinatology, is one of the most skilled, experienced, academic, responsible and famous physicians with high rank of patient satisfaction in this domain.
Professor Minoo had got degrees of MD and board in obstetrics and gynecology speciality from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. She has been in Kings College Hospital (London), and Tehran University of Medical Sciences for Perinatology fellowship.
Professor Minoo Rajaei has been a member of the Regional Board of Examiners and Evaluators in field of Obstetrics and Gynecology and head of OB&GYN department of Hormozgan university of medical sciences for 23 years with training more than hundred OB&GYN residents and 3000 medical students.
In addition to her high academic and clinical performance she has been leading in research .
Professor Minoo established Hormozgan Fertility and Infertility Research Center 16 years ago and as chief of this center for 15 years she got approval and upgraded the center to an active and pioneer research center.
Professor Rajaei has been member of editorial boards of medical journals and had written and published 2 books, more than 80 articles in international journals with high impact and had 38 research projects.
Professor Minoo attended several International, Regional and domestic conferences and workshops as lecturer, leader of workshops or presenting articles or posters.
Professor Minoo has been a member of the Board of Directors of Iranian Association of Surgeons, head of Hormozgan association of Obstetrics and Gynecologists and professional consultant for managing complex, poor condition patients and hard surgeries as moin master in Hormozgan province.
In more than 30 years of clinical practice in OB & GYN, professor Minoo had more than 60/000 minor and major operations and 40/000 vaginal delivery in her log book.
Professor Rajaei also has had decisive role in creating clinical and educational protocols in national and local Committees.